Iowa Public Works Service Bureau

How Our Site Works

Welcome to the Iowa PWSB. Below is a handy roadmap to guide you through our site.

Getting Started

The initial setup is a two-step process. Your first step is registration. Click here to get to our registration page, where we ask for standard user setup information: first and last name, email, and password. Only registered users have access to the information collected from you and your public works colleagues.

Once you register, you will then be redirected to a contact information form to provide a little more information about yourself. Not all fields are mandatory; however, the more information you provide, the better we can perform our mission of sharing information.

Your Profile

To view all member profile pages and to edit your own, visit the Members page on our site. You may select Grid View or List View at the upper-right of the list, whichever you find more convenient. To edit your profile information or add a profile picture, click on your own profile from the list. Your member page will feature an “Edit” item in the menu where you can change your information or reset your password.

Now let’s explore the menu items…


If you’d like to learn more about the Iowa Public Works Service Bureau, the “About” menu is an excellent place to start. You can read our overview in the “About the PWSB” link. “People” will let you get acquainted with the staff members of our group. And “Contact Us” gives you our contact information.


Now that you’ve registered and given us some basic information (thank you), it’s time to explore our member resources.


Registered members who have also completed their contact information will be listed as a contact. You can browse this information using any of the following methods:

  1. Click the forward and back arrows at the bottom of the table.
  2. Sort the contacts using any of the column headers. (Hover over the column title with your mouse and click the up or down arrow to sort.)
  3. Search for a specific name, organization, title, etc. using the search function at the top of the table.

Invite Others

This link will open an email window on your computer (depending on your computer’s configuration) to pass on registration information to your public works colleagues. We would be very grateful if you would help spread the word about the PWSB.


Our mission is to be a resource for public works employees. If you have a suggestion or something you would like to see us add to our site, please submit your suggestion using our form. We are here to help!


List of Cities

We have created a list of all of those cities for you to browse. You can navigate the table using any of the following methods:

  1. Click the forward and back arrows at the bottom of the table.
  2. Sort the cities using any of the available column headers. Hover over the column title with your mouse and click the up or down arrow to sort.
  3. Search for a specific city using the search function at the top of the table.
  4. Filter by population range by clicking the down arrow on “Population Range (all)” and select the appropriate range.

To learn more about a particular city, click on the city’s name to be taken to its page. Any employee from that city who has registered on our site will be listed. You will also see any policies or documents they have uploaded.

City Policies

Public works professionals are often looking for better ways to do things. If you have a certain policy or document you feel would be helpful to your fellow colleagues, upload it onto our site! Any items that have been uploaded will be shown in the table to the left of the uploader tool. That table can be sorted by any of the column headers or you can use the search box.

City Supplementals

This pages includes a list of various city supplementals to the SUDAS Specifications. Members can enter the website where your city’s supplemental specifications to SUDAS can be found. Note – in the interest of maintenance, we are looking for a static link; not a link that will change every year.


The pages within this menu contain more than a dozen interactive dashboards and charts accessible to members. The following are the types of reports included in the menu:

  1. Financial
  2. Street
  3. Iowa DOT
  4. Bridge Condition
  5. Bid Tabulation


We have developed several forums based on a variety of public works topics. Registered users can start a new discussion under a specific forum or respond to a discussion already in progress. These forums are an excellent way to have relevant public works discussions on infrastructure, budgeting, policy, recruitment, and so much more. Be sure to click on “subscribe” just above the discussions table to subscribe to any forums you are interested in. You can also click the box to “notify me of follow-up replies via email” if you start a new discussion.


Within this menu, you will find headlines, job board, newsletters, partner contacts, and training and educational opportunities.


We use this page to post the latest news, updates, and information we feel is relevant to public works professionals.

Job Openings

Looking for another place to advertise a job opening? Let us help! We have an easy-to-use tool to upload your job posting on our site. Note – only members can post openings, but the job board itself is visible to all.

Training and Educational Opportunities

This page is a great source for upcoming events in the public works realm!