Funding Opportunities
Below are resources cities can use for funding sources. If you have any resources you’d like to see added to this list, please let us know.
The Community Forestry Grant Program application for Fall 2024 is now open
The Iowa Legislature appropriated state infrastructure funds to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (Iowa DNR) to be used for a community-based tree planting program for derecho recovery in the 27 counties impacted.
The Community Forestry Grant Program provides reimbursable grants to be used to purchase and plant trees suitable to Iowa in counties impacted by the 2020 derecho. An approximate total of $146,500 in funds are available. Award recipients will be reimbursed $500 to $10,000 for the purchase of trees and materials and are required to provide no match. Multiple applications from the same entity are accepted.
Qualifying public planting lands include, but are not limited to, street rights-of-way, parks, school grounds, courthouse lawns, public buildings, fairgrounds, cemeteries, libraries and trails (DNR lands are not eligible). The application and rules are available online on the Iowa DNR Urban Forestry website. Applications are due by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, August 26, 2024.
For assistance with the application and site visits, please contact Ellie Jones –, 319-826-0814. For questions about reimbursement and rules, please contact Emma Hanigan –, 515-249-1732. Please consider also reading through the “Community Forestry Grant Program FAQ” listed below the application on the DNR Urban Forestry page.
“How to Apply” Webinar on the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grant Opportunity
Starting this week, the U.S. Department of Transportation will host three informational webinars on the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) discretionary grant program. The Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Notice of Funding Opportunity is now live and open for applications. The FY24 SS4A NOFO has multiple application deadlines depending on the grant type.
Planning and Demonstration Grant applicants have three deadlines:
- Thursday, April 4, 2024, 5:00 PM (ET)
- Thursday, May 16, 2024, 5:00 PM (ET)
- Thursday, August 29, 2024, 5:00 PM (ET)
Implementation Grant applications must be submitted by 5:00 PM (ET) on Thursday, May 16, 2024. These informational webinars will provide a general overview of the SS4A program and the grant application process, centered around individual emphasis areas. Prospective SS4A applicants are encouraged to attend.
Click here for more information on the webinars.
EPA Technical Assistance Program and Competitive Grant Opportunity
- The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grant program (Community Change Grants) is accepting applications for $2 billion in grants to fund community-driven projects that address climate challenges and reduce pollution while strengthening communities through thoughtful implementation. This historic level of support will enable communities and their partners to overcome longstanding environmental challenges and implement meaningful solutions to meet community needs now and for generations to come. There will be two tracks of funding under this opportunity. Track I will fund approximately 150 large, transformational community-driven investment grants of $10 million – $20 million. Track II will fund approximately 20 meaningful engagement grants of $1 million – $3 million. Review the NOFO for further information about the opportunities under the Community Change Grants program and details about the application process. The NOFO is open for one year and will close on November 21, 2024, with the EPA reviewing applications on a rolling basis. Click here to learn more about environmental justice at EPA.
- EPA’s Community Change Equitable Resilience Technical Assistance Program consists of free design and project development assistance, community engagement, and partnership development workshops, with the intent to help eligible entities apply for the Community Change Grants. Eligible projects for this technical assistance must be in a disaster-prone area and benefit a disadvantaged community. Climate resilience projects must have a direct community benefit and could include retrofits to community-serving buildings; design or redesign of public parks, open space, and waterways; redesign of streets; or other projects that address climate resilience and environmental justice. Proposed projects should address climate change impacts such as extreme heat and more intense heat islands, wildfire and wildfire smoke, floods, storms, or other impacts that pose a greater risk to disadvantaged communities. EPA intends to offer this technical assistance to up to 50 recipients nationwide and will accept requests on a rolling basis until 50 recipients have been identified. Contact with questions.
State Recreational Trails Program (SRT) Funding Opportunity
A final legislative appropriation for the State Recreational Trails (SRT) program for State Fiscal Year 2025 (SFY 2025) has not yet been determined by the Iowa Legislature. Pending legislation appropriates $2.5 million this year. In anticipation of an appropriation for the program, this message provides notice that the Iowa DOT will accept project applications for SFY 2025 according to the existing July 1, 2024, application deadline. Interested applicants are encouraged to begin working on funding applications in preparation for this deadline.
Please contact Scott Flagg, State Recreational Trails Program Manager, at or 515-239-1252, if you have any questions. Application materials are available on the program website at
Upcoming USDOT Funding Resources and Opportunities
The USDOT Discretionary Grants Dashboard provides communities with an overview of discretionary grant opportunities that can help meet their transportation infrastructure needs. The Dashboard also includes Federal grant programs outside of DOT that may be of particular interest to rural communities. The below list spotlights just a few of the currently open funding opportunities – visit the Grants Dashboard to find more or check out the calendar of open and upcoming grant opportunities!
Funding through the Iowa DOT
- The Iowa DOT has a wonderful resource full of information regarding state and federal programs providing transportation funding to local governments and other entities. Click here to explore the Iowa DOT’s Funding Guide.
- The Iowa DOT, Modal Transportation Bureau would like to remind cities and counties of the beneficial cost-sharing rail programs available for the repair of at-grade crossing surfaces and upgrading active warning devices at railroad crossings.
- State funded Highway-Railroad Crossing Surface Repair Program
- Federally funded Highway-Railroad Crossing Safety Program, (upgrading of signals, lights, and gates). * Note: The IIJA Bill, passed in 2021 changed the funding for this program from 90% federal funds / 10% local match to 100% federally funded.
- The Local Systems Bureau of the Iowa DOT has developed a website dealing with information describing the various programs within the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). The IIJA provides federal funding for bridges, streets, and other projects. The link is: The website also provides guidance on the use of SWAP funds and the processes to undertake as the SWAP program evolves and federally funded projects are developed.